During the past few days, I’ve shown you how easy is to look into the blockchain, how easy is to track wallets, track transactions, and connect dots using one of the best elrond explorers you can find out here, into the wild. Besides the drama around this lottery, you’ve learned how easy and visible most things are.
Although the explorer does a good job showing and presenting the transactions there are tons of measures somebody could take in order to hide its track. Moving tokens around, selling on different markets, splitting them into multiple accounts are just a few of the strategies used.
You can see the largest holders of the Itheum tokens at this address on the explorer: https://elrondscan.com/token/ITHEUM-df6f26/accounts .
The first 10 holders are listed bellow:
- erd16uzp5ml8uqpaugusn3wrhjzfw0lrl9mnruk3k45e7x744694xcwsynvn9r – for instance this wallet gattered 110.000 Itheum and soon it started to dispers it among other wallets such as: erd1ux75q23pumw4w6wkrnjjkc9vasrc4e5cvmr8esdp55k7h4ntzlxssfclq6
- erd1pmm04emdu3lv3ckjwnhghjr2awq8xv7dsq76ty7ccv2pf8c3ep0scuhv90
- erd1svfg6gp9rzt9xkm83v85uujq90qnd6jldyqk6hkmqjjv73xjuumq0ty4j5
- erd1wwagq9rlftrp0w9gy58xy78pejmkl80rrqhgfy95rncxpqkgxqnq67xqzp
- erd1rlj0ashtxsc37kxuyyz8l4klxknekmctasyp9r9va9z2e92utcqsxv2n83
- erd100lrl5dwp74ksgk49k37f5fa52cvl7xktlcwcs6e3su2pderelpstszmzp
- erd1y9muck9tzxxgjgyn20tgcgttyd362awvptjcgmwvgafmhfl65was6sark5
- erd17cwsf0xxshfj8v3f3y3hz346k37kemsrqmk992su5jkx7pnvyetqpmc8nj
- erd1mcyvuex9ea8e3luhgencr2zcmh377vz6y54v8rda09yx4czlgf8qusp6hu
- erd14r7dw9yxw0el4k5fd38nkny83tlpzmzk7xq4cxn6mpft2wy4yt0qnkym9t
Please keep in mind that the blockchain is always moving and this is a snapshot at a certain point in time: 29 March – 14:02 UTC.

The scope of these posts was to show you how even someone without programming skills can understand what is going on just by looking at one of the simplest OSINT tools that Elrond blockchain offers. But from here if you want to have a more complex image you will need python or other programming language skills that will create a complete image on whatever your interest is.
In the next posts, we will do some python and compare the Nonce of the winners to create a bigger picture of how many of these WINNERS were actually breaking the TOS of Itheum. I estimate that at least 30% of the winners took this approach: multiple wallets, multiple KYCs but we will confirm these numbers in a later post.